I have a lot to tell you. First of all, I don’t like Nate anymore. I got to know him and he is not the type of guy I plan to marring and being with for the rest of my life. This is the type of guy I plan to marry:

A mormon
A hard worker
Active/ Playful
Honest/ Trustworthy
A priesthood holder
Loves children
In love with me
Always doing his best
Kind to his family
Having daily prayers & scripture study
Understanding/ A listener
Puts God first
Service oriented
Always stands up for what’s right
Good in school
A person with goals
Someone my family likes
A return missionary
A temple recommend holder
A good singer
A good dancer
Has a good (family friendly) job
A piano player
A good cook
A good fix-it man
A healthy eater
Likes to read
A cat lover
A leader
Confident (not proud)
Loves art
At my cousin's baptism, I met a boy... (Yes, I like him now! I'm sorry, I can't help it!) I don't know him too well but, already, he seems better than Nate. He likes me too! Yes! I met him again at my other cousins Farewell. (No, I am not related to him in any way!) Too bad I'm not 16 yet... 8 more months!
Anyway, my cousin left for the Missionary Training Center last Wednesday. I miss him already. I hope he writes us. I'm glad he decided to go on a mission.
Love, Melonie
*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.