
February 26, 1999

Is it wrong to have a boyfriend? I know lots of Mormons my age have boyfriends… but are they okay? I know that it is probably safer to date more than one, but what if you’ve already been in bad situations with guys and you’ve handled them quite well?
What if you know the guy would never go that far with you? I should probably have fun dating many guys but if I don’t feel comfortable with most of them, shouldn’t I stick with one I do? I want someone I can talk to and trust, someone who will always be my friend. But, that’s another problem with boyfriends; sooner or later you’ll break up. What if he breaks up with me when I need him the very most? Right now I just want someone to talk to who cares about me and will hold me all the time.
What if I have a boy friend but not really a real boyfriend… do you know what I mean? I would hold his hand, give him hugs and a kiss once in a while (French kissing would be the absolute worst I would do) but you still, both of you agreeably, go out with other people? Would it still be wrong? Would any guy ever even agree to that? Why can’t I find the man I’m going to marry now? I love him already and I don’t even know his name!

*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.