Aghh; so much to accomplish yet so little time to accomplish them in. Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that nothing gets done? I do!
I’m excited for these next few years; I’m going to get better and get on with my life! I wish girls could go on their missions earlier. I would love to just get away right now to a new place where no one knows me and just loose myself in service with only the Lord beside me. Don’t you think that could turn your life around? That is kind of how I felt at Oakcrest; I wish I took better advantage of it.
My mother is such a great example to me. These past few months (maybe years) I have seen so many changes in her. She has such strong faith that she’s come to the point of being able to think something and it will happen! My goal is to become like her. One day, I hope I will receive my call for the second endowment.
(Age 17)
*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.