
July 1, 2000

I don’t know why but I just haven’t been up to writing lately.  I just haven’t wanted to.  Lots has happened since you’ve last heard; it’s amazing what can happen in a couple months!

I got a job at Lagoon (April 17) working the kid rides.  I learned how to work a couple of them and then decided that the 3 hour bus ride was way too long and quit.  Then I fond a real job at National Car Rental making $7.55 plus bonuses!  I’ve been there a month now and I’m on my last week of training.

On May 13th was Sadie Hawkins.  I went with Jacob.  Zach went with my friend Dawn; his first official date!  It was lots of fun.  We went hiking up to Doughnut Falls and had a picnic.  Jacob was such a gentleman.  I had lots of fun with him; he’s a great guy. He’s the only one who listens to me and cares about how I feel.  He seems to understand these crazy feelings and we get into long talks once in awhile.  They really help.  I feel comfortable with him.

Jacob asked me to marry him.  I said a soft “yes” through my pain and tears but I didn’t mean to promise him anything because I am only 17.  I was seriously considering it and was praying about it for a couple of months and I don’t think it’s the right decision.  He and I have a lot to work through.  Plus, I don’t know if I told you or not but he has a heart condition and apparently his Patriarchal blessing says that he will die on his mission.  I’m really scared that this might happen soon.  Not as scared as he is, though; I feel awful for him!

I want to marry someone who is strong in the church.  Jacob used to be a bad kid.  He used to drink, do drugs and steal cars.  I know that he is really sorry and doesn’t do those things anymore… 

A friend just got married on the 25th of May… before her graduation!  Weird huh?  I’ve been really thinking about marriage lately.  I am almost 18 already.  It could happen really soon… but then again, I could have another 7 years to go!  I wonder who I’m going to marry and when I’m going to meet him; if I haven’t already.  I want to marry someone special, who is spiritually strong with a lot of good qualities.  I’m trying to prepare myself now so that I’m worthy of the best guy possible.

I’m worried I won’t be ready.  It’s getting harder and harder to keep going.  I feel really stressed and like I can’t even handle simple things anymore.  My whole body aches and I’ve been crying a lot again.  I wish I knew what is wrong and how to fix it.  I’m also scared that I won’t be ready for the pageant in a month.

I’m worried about my family and I’m really worried about me.  I’m having a hard time feeling the Holy Ghost and I haven’t been making great choices.  I’ve been unkind to my family and I haven’t been saying my prayers as often because it seems like no one is there anymore.  I haven’t been reading my scriptures either and Jacob and I have kissed too much a couple of times.  We haven’t done anything bad but I’m afraid of something happening.  I feel very lonely sometimes… I think that’s why I like to be close to him.

Well, I’m going to go.  I will talk to you later.

*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.