I got a cat and a turtle last week. The turtle I got on the 3rd and Daisy Mae came to me the next day! I love them both to death; they are both so cute!
This last weekend was General Conference weekend. I had some neat experiences; would you like me to share them with you? I went to the 1st session at the new conference center. Lidia was supposed to go with me but she slept in so I went alone.
On the way, there was a mentally disabled woman who boarded the same train as me. She was really scared and she kept saying so over and over, then she would scream. I felt so sorry for her. I patted her on the shoulder and told her she was doing great and that she was safe. She started to sing “Love at Home” and it touched me. I sang with her, on the crowded train, and she thanked me and told me that was her favorite song.
When I arrived at temple square, the line to get into the conference center was huge! It wrapped around the gate twice and went all through the temple grounds then up to the center. There were so many people ready to hear our prophet speak. I heard so many different languages; the people were from everywhere.
The building was beautiful and conference was great… but the ride home was even better! I got to speak to someone about my father’s age and bare my testimony to him. He was really struggling with the gospel and it was a really neat experience for me. I would like to have it happen more often.
*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.