What if you know the guy would never go that far with you? I should probably have fun dating many guys but if I don’t feel comfortable with most of them, shouldn’t I stick with one I do? I want someone I can talk to and trust, someone who will always be my friend. But, that’s another problem with boyfriends; sooner or later you’ll break up. What if he breaks up with me when I need him the very most? Right now I just want someone to talk to who cares about me and will hold me all the time.
What if I have a boy friend but not really a real boyfriend… do you know what I mean? I would hold his hand, give him hugs and a kiss once in a while (French kissing would be the absolute worst I would do) but you still, both of you agreeably, go out with other people? Would it still be wrong? Would any guy ever even agree to that? Why can’t I find the man I’m going to marry now? I love him already and I don’t even know his name!
*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.