Can you believe it? One more month and it’s the year 2000! Cool huh?
I am getting braces. I have to pay for them myself with no insurance. $3,650… ouch! Double ouchJ! I only have spacers in right now (got them yesterday) and they hurt like crazy!
I went to the Sadie Hawkins dance a while ago (I don’t think I told you yet) and no I did not have fun! I tried really hard but he is such a flop! He got us lost all night because he wouldn’t listen to us… that was after he showed up 2 hours late in the first place!!! (Actually, we had to go find him and the stupid truck broke down in the process!) We didn’t even get to eat dinner. I was starved by the end of the night!
Then, I had to pay $15 to get into the dance just to stand in line to spend another $20 getting pictures I didn’t even want! He was missing most the night then he actually tried to leave me to find a ride home with somebody else!
My aunt and uncle have been coming over a lot. I’m excited because I think they have stopped doing drugs and are following our example. Soon they’ll come back to church, I hope!
It has almost been a year but Noel is still on my mind. I am worried about her. She and Erick have been getting too close. They have been sloughing classes together; Noels grades are dropping. She also pierced her ear way at the top. They have been ignoring me and spreading awful rumors about me (well, at least Erik has). I don’t know what she sees in him. Every time I see him I dislike him more. He makes me sick!
P.S. My mom let me drive her van to work all by myself today! Wow!
*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.