I have learned so much in the past few weeks, Kristi; mostly as a result of my sessions with the hypnotherapist. He knows so much about God’s plan and about our bodies and spirits. Did you know that even some of the simplest things we say can program our subconscious minds to negatively influence our lives?
God has given us such a great gift: our bodies. With them comes great power. Our goal on this Earth is to learn to use that power wisely by uniting our body, mind and spirit through God’s help. Once I obtain inner peace (or oneness) and obey God, I can have anything I desire that is righteous. I am so excited. Now that I understand a little more clearly I can really start my life!
Love, Melonie
(Age 16)
November 22, 1999
My parents are in Wyoming . My dad is working out of state again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel angry, hurt, and scared. Yesterday I practically beat up my sister when she was mean to us again. I never do that! I feel like scum. My sister hits us, kicks us, swears at us… all the time. That’s how she is. I don’t know why I snapped.
*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.