
January 17 & February 8, 2000

Hey Kristi,
What’s up?  I’m writing Kyle his second letter already; I’ve decided I’d better tell you about him.  I first saw him at our first girls’ volleyball game (as a spirit club).  He was so cute.  When the game was over, I saw him put his arm around the pretty girl from our club and I thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend.  “Figures.  The cute girls always get the best guys.”  Anyway, this time it turned out that they were brother and sister!

It also turns out that he’s a really, really nice guy!   …and good in school, senior class president, loves seminary, great smile!  One day at work, I was talking with a friend about life and boys… I told her of my plan to marry Kyle.  A boy, Jacob, who works with us, happened to be listening in… “Who are you going to marry?  I know him!  He’s awesome!  That’s so cool!”  He kept saying that over and over.  “I know that plan is going to work.  At least you’ll get a date with him!”

And that’s how it’s been ever since.  It’s kind of funny, I think…

February 8, 2000

Kristi, I am having the hardest time deciding what to do with my life.  My hips are still bothering me quite a bit.  I have been thinking about just getting my GED.  School is too stressful for me.

PS  I saw Tyler in the store where I work today.  Later I found out he’s not leaving on his mission until March!  How embarrassing.

*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.