
January 2, 2000

Happy New Year!  I am so excited; this next couple of years will be full of changes.  Look out world, here comes the new me!

I feel like I can move on now.  These last few years have been horrible.  I’ve felt like I wasn’t going anywhere with my life and there was nothing I could do about it.  Something had me trapped and held me so tight I couldn’t breathe…  Once in awhile I still get that way but I think Hypnotherapy has really helped. 

I’ve had some pretty neat sessions:  First, I learned about the mind (conscious and subconscious) and the spirit.  The second session was my first experience with hypnosis.  I learned what it was and how to achieve it.  Third, I went back into hypnosis; back in time to before my birth.  This was neat.  It was like reliving the experience through feelings (I didn’t “see” it).  I felt really excited to be born but once I was, it was really hard for me. 

When I was born I guess I swallowed my stool and had the cord wrapped around my neck.  They had to pump my lungs and put me in the NICU.  They took me from my parents and I was really, really scared.  Through hypnosis, I felt a connection and great love and sadness for that baby.

In another session, my grandfather was brought up.  I remember I couldn’t talk; or I felt so deep in hypnosis that I felt I didn’t want to.  When I was brought back to the abuse I felt this huge sadness in me.  I couldn’t stop crying and the doctor wanted me to communicate it…  I saw myself a little girl, huddled in a corner of a dark room.  I felt scared and powerless. 

I was told to imagine myself with superpowers or something; to see myself bigger and stronger than he.  I saw my grandfather shrink and shrink.  He was embarrassed.  I picked him up and I put him in a cage.  At this point I couldn’t stop laughing!  The doctor asked me why; I didn’t know but it felt so good!  I felt like I was free; like I was experiencing my true nature!

*All names have been changed in order to protect the privacy of those involved.